Terms and conditions of use

In the following text, the use of the term "GOLDEN SHOPS" refers to the company "GOLDEN-SHOPS Anis Mabrouk".


The detailed general terms and conditions below govern the contractual relationships between any user of the site GOLDENSHOPS.EU. These general terms of sale are the only ones applicable and replace any other conditions, unless there is a prior, express, and written derogation. GOLDEN SHOPS may occasionally be required to modify some of its general terms, so it is necessary that they be reread before each visit to the site GOLDENSHOPS.EU.
These modifications are binding from their publication and cannot apply to contracts concluded earlier. Each purchase on the site is therefore governed by the general terms applicable on the date of the order. Consequently, placing an order implies the full and unconditional acceptance of these general terms of sale by the buyer.


The sale prices indicated on the site GOLDENSHOPS.EU are in Polish zloty (PLN) and without tax (sole proprietorship not subject to VAT).
We reserve the right to modify our prices at any time without notice, but we undertake to apply the rates in force that have been indicated to you at the time of your order. We reserve the right to cancel an order in the event that the displayed price is incorrect or zero.

Product Information

GOLDEN SHOPS takes the utmost care in posting information regarding essential characteristics, especially through technical descriptions from its partners and suppliers and non-contractual photographs illustrating the products, within the limits of technology and in compliance with market standards.
Each of our servers has a maximum capacity of hosted shops. If the order requires the installation of a new server, a server configuration delay may be necessary, which will not exceed 24 hours.

Delivery Method

Your order will be delivered to the email address you provided when placing your order.
GOLDEN SHOPS makes every effort to meet the shipping deadlines mentioned on the site but cannot be held responsible for consequences related to a delivery delay caused by a third party, by you, or due to an unforeseen and insurmountable cause constituting a case of force majeure. In case of non-receipt of the email within 30 minutes after the order date, please check the SPAM folder and contact us by email at kontakt@goldenshops.eu.


GOLDEN SHOPS cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract in case of force majeure, unforeseen circumstances, disruption, or total or partial strike, especially by internet access providers and means of communication, flooding, fire, or any other cause beyond its control. GOLDEN SHOPS will not incur any liability for any direct or indirect damage arising from these terms, loss of business, loss of profit, damages, or expenses that may arise. The choice to purchase a product or service is solely the responsibility of the customer. In case of non-delivery of an order, the User has a maximum of 60 days (from the date of departure from our warehouse) to report it. No claims will be accepted beyond this period.

Secure Payment

The only possible payment methods currently on the website are by Credit Cards, Blik, Paypal, and Bank Transfers. During your order, use our secure online payment module. You will then be directly redirected to the PAYU, PAYPAL, or your bank's website to enter your bank details. For maximum security, no banking information will circulate on the site GOLDENSHOPS.EU. Your order will be validated upon acceptance of payment by our bank.

Shipping Costs

Your order will be shipped to the email address you provide us. With your order, you will receive an invoice that will serve as a warranty certificate. Any order is subject to our acceptance and deliverable within the limits of boutique slots available on our servers.

Customs Fees

GOLDEN SHOPS informs you that all fees and taxes related to customs exchanges are the responsibility of its valued customers. GOLDEN SHOPS cannot in any case be held responsible for fees and/or taxes related to customs exchanges in the context of a sale.

Security and Confidentiality

Payment security: Card payments are processed by PAYPAL and PAYU. No credit card number is recorded on our platform. An SSL certificate is installed on our server to guarantee the authenticity and security of communications. In all secure areas where the URL of the site GOLDENSHOPS.EU starts with https:// (where the 's' means secure), the information is encrypted and therefore protected before being transferred over the Internet. Protection of your personal data: In accordance with the provisions of the data protection law of May 10, 2018, to benefit at any time from the right of access and modification of your personal data, please contact us at the following address: KONTAKT@GOLDENSHOPS.EU.

Return Conditions – Satisfaction or Refund

In accordance with Article 27 of the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014, the customer has fourteen days from the date of delivery of the order to cancel the order and obtain a refund. However, please note that if the customer has used the site to place orders and has generated income through it, the right of withdrawal may be limited or lost depending on the specific circumstances related to the use of the service. Beyond these deadlines, no item will be refunded. After a withdrawal period of fourteen days and unless otherwise stipulated, credits in no way give rise to any refund.


The company GOLDEN SHOPS provides a warranty for hidden defects under legal conditions. The buyer has a period of eight days from the discovery of a hidden defect to notify their reservations by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Our service will take care of correcting the problem within 8 days of receiving the letter.

Payment and Deadlines

Our articles and goods are payable before their delivery, and our shipments are made after receiving the payment. Any amount paid by the buyer when placing the order is considered as a deposit by the parties.

Reservation of Ownership Clause

In accordance with Polish laws, particularly the "Ustawa z dnia 30 maja 2014 r. o prawach konsumenta" (Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014), we reserve the ownership of the products and goods, objects of these sales, until full payment of the price and its accessories. In case of total or partial non-payment of the price by the due date for any reason, in accordance with Polish legislation, we reserve the right, without formality, to materially regain possession of these products and goods at your expense, risks, and perils. In case of dispute, the competent court for disputes will be that of Warsaw.


GOLDEN SHOPS undertakes not to disclose any information that could allow a third party to know directly or indirectly the details of the queries made by the client and, in general, any confidential data within the meaning of data protection laws. In all cases, the client accesses the secure server compliant with the most effective encryption technology.

Use of Computer Data

In accordance with the "Ustawa z dnia 10 maja 2018 r. o ochronie danych osobowych" (Act of May 10, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data) in Poland, you have the right to access and rectify personal data concerning you. Any customer can object to their name and address being transferred or made available to other companies or associations. To access, correct data, or object to communication to third parties, it is sufficient for the customer to write to us.