
Order Confirmation and Delivery Conditions for Your Online Store

We want to thank you for choosing our platform to create your online store. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email containing your login and password to access the personalized administration of your e-commerce store.

Configuration and Delivery Conditions for Your Online Store:

  • Fast Processing: The generation of your store is instantaneous. You can then configure it through the administration panel. This configuration can take from a few minutes to a few hours.

  • You should have:
    - A logo in horizontal JPG format
    - A logo in square JPG format
    - Photos of products and categories
    - The list of your products (product name, stock, price, description, photo) in Excel format
    - Shipping costs per weight and delivery country
    - PAYPAL, PAYU, or HIPAY keys along with your bank account number
    - A domain (e.g., You must point the domain to our DNS servers ( and, or you can simply point the A entry to our IP address:, if you want to keep emails on another server.
    For a small number of products and a payment method that does not require third-party entity verification, the online store can be ready in 15 minutes.
  • Access to Your Administration Space: Your login credentials will allow you to access the administration interface of your online store, where you can customize your store, manage products, and track performance.
  • Responsibility and Force Majeure: Although we strive to adhere to the configuration timelines on our site, please note that we cannot be held responsible for delays caused by third parties, unforeseeable, and insurmountable actions constituting force majeure.
  • Technical Support: Our technical support team is at your disposal to assist you in the configuration process and answer any questions you may have.

We remain at your disposal for any questions or concerns regarding the configuration of your online store. Thank you for trusting our GOLDENSHOPS.EU platform.